Obesity in america has become national health problem. Unfortunately, the obesity problem doesn’t happen only on adult. There’re also many children that has this problem. In most of case, the
childhood obesity is caused by the lifestyle that their parents have. So, most of children that has obesity problem also has parents with same problem. The worst thing about obesity in children is it can cause the health problem that can last until they grow up. so, if you have children with obesity problem, although, when they’re adult they have ideal weight, the problem that they have when they had obesity problem in their young age won’t go away and in the worst case, it become even worst, especially if your kids has
morbid obesity problem.
2007 Rates of Overweight and Obese Children from NCSL |
If we look at the child obesity statistics today, we can find shocking truth from it. From the survey that was held in 2007, 60% of children in US has weight problem. There’re many stage of weight problem, from over weight to super obesity. The overweight can be said as the lowest level of stage problem. And the obese is the next level. Unfortunately, there’re many children in this country that has the obese problem. CDC survey found that there are 16% of American children that has obese problem. That means there’re about 8 million children that has risk to have many health problems that comes from obesity in children problem that they have. So, is there a way to reverse this problem? Yes, there’s a way. If you want to free your kids from obesity, you need to start to change your life habit. The
obesity facts says that children will imitate what they saw, because, the observation ability of children is high and without filter. So, everything that they saw will be imprinted in their mind and it can even create the program in their subconscious mind. Therefore, if you have unhealthy lifestyle which is the causes of obesity, you eat a lot and you don’t exercise, your kid will be just like what you are. The hardest part of dealing with the obesity in children is the eating part. A kid has 10,000 times sensitive tongue than adult. That’s why most of children don’t like the vegetable. But, there’re many methods that you can use to put vegetable into your kids menu, like using Puree.
However, you also need to put vegetable without blending it or change its shape into something else and mix with food that your kid eat, so, they know that the vegetable is edible, important and needed. Next is exercise. This is important, especially to avoid the morbid
child obesity. Limit the video games time and have an outdoor activity with your kids. It would be better, if this outdoor activity become your regular family recreation. It is also good idea, if you introduce sport that you like to your kids, for example basketball, baseball or soccer. Overall, we can look back at the obesity definition, which is the condition where you have extra weight over than normal weight that you should have. If you know about this
definition of obesity, you and your kids will be easier to deal with obesity in children problem.
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