New Diet Drug or Pill After Read Eat to Live from Dr. Fuhrman's Diet

(FDA) Food and Drug Administration in U.S approved the pill magic weight loss called Qsymia as new diet drug and has been available to patiens. This is second new diet pill approved in a month.

Qsymia a new diet drug

Before use this pill I recommend you have read Dr. Fuhrman diet through his best seller book Eat to Live and #1 List on The New York Times which give to you knowledge how to leave behind the discomfort of toxic hunger, cravings, and addictions to unhealthy foods. You will be inspired from some people who have successfully run Dr. Fuhrman's program. Dramatic stories of how many people losing weight and recover from chronic illnesses.

Talking about Qsymia according to FDA if you take the pill you will get 10% weight loss, we know that for us is a big number. Maryjain Hynes, M.D., as a Weight Management Physician at the George Washington University Medical Faculty Associates said in 13 years have not found a diet pill to lose weight more than a few percent.

Vivus Inc., has made a recent breakthrough in the world of healthcare by making Qsymia as a magic new diet pill. Previously Belviq (lorcaserin) cleared by the FDA in late June.

This new diet drug can use for obese adults BMI 30 or higher, overweight adults BMI 27 or higher. Make sure they have minimum one condition related with weight such as excess cholesterol, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

Pregnant women are not advised to use Qsymia because it carries the serious risk of birth defects. But Qsymia is safe for women of childbearing age with a negative pregnancy test and for those who are using birth control treatment.


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